Welgro uses the Proliner to create perfect fittings for their bulk trailers
Welgro based in Groenlo, The Netherlands, is an international company and well-known for their quality build bulk trailers. They have several decades of experience in manufacturing bulk trailers for the transport of animal feed, flour products, granulates, grains and powdery substances. Welgro supplies an annual average of 120 bulk trailers to customers throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Their trailers are also manufactured under license in Asia.
Welgro invested in a Proliner IS to be used for the quality control and digital templating of trailer parts and production moulds. Peter Niesink en Jerry te Welscher explained how the Proliner will contribute to Welgro’s production process:
« Most of our Bulk trailers are made from aluminum. An expensive material and finishing is difficult. Besides that we have to take the forces into account that apply to the trailer and compartments. These forces are all thoroughly calculated. That is why we want to minimize the need for extra welding and try to achieve a perfect fit for every part. The Proliner is going to help us with that. »
« We are going to measure our production moulds, fabricated trailer parts and parts supplied by third parties. We can then use the digital templates created with the Proliner (CAD) to check that our production moulds meet with the design and if parts measure up to the required tolerances. »
« Besides quality control we can use the Proliner measurements to build a digital library of parts and moulds, which will help speed-up the process and can be used as a knowledge base for product improvement. »